Existing users, please sign in here
It appears that the logins you have entered are incorrect. Please check that you have typed them in correctly as the logins are CaSe sEnSiTiVe. Also check that you have not typed the letter "O" instead of the number "0"
It may be that you are not yet registered to use Tachomaster, in which case you may sign up for this service, and use it free for 28 days, by clicking HERE or on the FREE Sign Up link to the left.
There are two types of logins that you may have been issued:
If you have already registered and would like to retry your logins please re-use the boxes in the navigation bar to the left-hand side of the page.
There is no obligation when signing up to continue using the service beyond your 28 day free trial. If you do wish to continue using the service beyond that date, it will cost just £1 per worker per week. We will not ask for Credit Card or Bank details before then, so there is no chance that you will be charged should you decide not to take advantage of this system beyond that time.